Eureka S. Art
My Life began in the constellation of an African Village and my
Childhood was rich & blessed with so many amazing Souls.
We call this uBuntu - I am because we are.
It has given me an openness to admire and cherish different personalities and
My Village taught me to enjoy all kinds of people.
Having been loved by so many different kinds of Souls, gave me a faith in people, I
try and give on to my children.
I started studied graphic design from 1993 - 1995.
It was an incredibly energized era of the New South Afrika…
Witwatersrand Technikon is now known as the University of Johannesburg.
The Eloff Street Department of Graphic Design was right opposite Shell House and
the ANC Headquarters. Egoli, known as Johannesburg, is a city with many, many
contrasts, where sadness and hope live side by side.
I loved doing these portraits.
The models were so elegant, and so exquisitely feminine!
1993 - 1995 Figure studies done in Witwatersrand Technicon/
University of Johannesburg, South Afrika
Portraits done in Mpumalanga South Afrika
1998 Portrait of Sara Nkalanga
Created in South Afrika | Acrylic on Canvas | Private Collection, Mpumalanga South Afrika
1998 Portrait of Eva
Created in South Afrika | Acrylic on Canvas | Private Collection, Mpumalanga South Afrika
1994 Portrait of David the humble, Malawian Gardner‘s foot…
A man whose Soul pined away after his 3 year old daughter died.
Portrait done in Johannesburg, South Afrika
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sketched portraits
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