Eureka S. Art
In 1999, I started a path as a Fotokünstlerin (photographical artist) when I moved
to Karlsruhe, in Germany. My intention was to co-create a successful portrait.
It was an enriching adventure, that taught me many more things… (but that‘s a
different story.)
At the beginning of that experience, I tried to get a technically perfect photo,
(as some of my photographer friends had taught me.) .
.but, actually, I was looking for something else!
I was seeking to do an intimate portrait, which meant that I had to approach the
Souls in-front of my camera lens, in a completely different way.
Something you would not find in a textbook.
I didn‘t want the typical „stick-on-Smile“…
I wanted to dig for the real person.
That enriched my Life.
It made the hours working, hours of experience, hours lived.
1999 Exquisite, unforgetable, divine, Else!
Photographed in Germany
2003 Amazing Soula
Photographed in Germany
2003 Majestic Anja
Photographed in Germany |
2003 Beautiful Belly
Photographed in Germany
2003 Magnificent Mina
Photographed in Germany
2006 Marvelous little Munchkin
Photographed in Germany
2019 Dynamic Dino
Photographed in Germany |
2022 The Ecotect
Photographed in Germany
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sketched & painted portraits
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