Eureka S. Art

The Red Scarf
All is an Illusion, and we are disillusioned in our way of Life, yet, only fractions away of realising what lies behind the Veil… It is obvious that we are moving into challenging times now - the less we love ourselves, the more loveless our society will become. It is time for a genuine Sustainable Family Culture! 7 Generations thinking, feeling, living… Loving! It is time for uBuntu to become more Conscious! Remember: uBuntu means, I am because you are. No human being can be a human being, without other human beings.

2018 An Ode to the Grand-Mother I took the photo for this painting over 20 years ago. E. was lovely. A widow and humble, with no inhibitions about her beautiful body! (The only thing she was aware of and slightly embarrassed, was the piece of her mouth doctors had removed due to the cancer she developed around her mouth, after her late husbands passing.) A Grand-Mother herself, E. was concerned about the future of the lock-key children… If you have the TelegramApp and you wish to see more insights on my research, please click on the painting to gain access. Our „cultures“ would never have evolved without these amazing individuals! On the left is a link to the translation and deeper meaning, of the painting. I have discovered that hearing & listening to these amazing „translations“, i.e. Life Stories, Inspirations & Memories, my Ode to the Grand-Mother has become so MUCH more!
2021 Sacred Grail The symbol of the skull… The symbols of the sacred energies The Apple for Consciousness Leaves for shame Ancient fruits The Rose of Sharon The wildness of Nature The Sacredness of Trees and the crucifixion of Nature… Somehow the Holy Grail has kept haunting me for years! A while after this, I discovered the work of the tremendously gifted polymath - Freddy Silva. His perceptions on the sacred Feminine are incredible. Whilst watching one of his many interviews, the name Sir Laurence Gardner popped up. Because I wanted to understand Silva‘s work more, I started looking into Sir Laurence Gardner‘s work! It literally blew my Mind!
2021 7th Cosmic Principle I found this beautiful Soul by the name of Ramona Barb. I share this jewel of hers with permission: „Have you ever thought about what the word "masculine" holds energetically in our collective unconscious? Healing for a man is difficult to be part of opening up to owning the feminine energy that has been taken from him for centuries if not thousands of years. And to achieve this, it takes unconditional support and love, courage, freedom of the Mind and Soul. Our Souls long for the so long forgotten principles of Love. Until we don't truly understand that Love is our Mission here, including setting Higher Standards or Perspective for Honouring Partnerships, Friendships, and relationships in general. We want to break out of society's schemes, we want to reshape ourselves and not recreate beyond our own survival instinct in which the conscious mind does not induce but at the same time we must learn to discern what is what society is showing us, what is what society mirrors in our collective behaviours in general. We long for the desire to feel what has for so long been forgotten. For men to heal - we are in need of conscious women, of self-meeting women, of self-mastering women, of women able to accept the masculine with love and not use it as a shield to be strong or wealthy or to make a place in a society we so want to break free of, at any cost. To restructure a society, to re-educate ourselves we need to re-think and re-evaluate what a Love based partnership is. What is equal-ism. What is friendship. Because we are not in competition any more. We are all winners once we become most conscious, the most loving, the most integrated at the dawn of a new reality. We all have masculine energy and we all have feminine energy, more or less. We are all multidimensional beings and it is necessary to integrate both sides of ourselves, to live, to embody both in our diversity. A man who heals the feminine welcomes the possibility to love, to expand, to feel and measure JOY without any schemes and façades. A woman who heals masculinity frees herself from the weight of feeling crushed, oppressed, of feeling that she must assert herself at all costs to be seen, heard and appreciated. It takes courage to create a New World, and it takes conscious people, men and women who have healed and embraced all parts of themselves. It takes TWO. Two - a Multiple of ONE. If I offer You what I want to receive, I heal Me .“ Ramona Barb
2021 The Goddess Years ago I remember reading a Bruce Chatwinbook where he described the ancient Patagonian civilisation and how they would throw flowers on the path of pregnant women… It has taken me many years of reflection and personal experiences as well as deep listening and observation to comprehend and understand the undeniable value of those authentically sustainable gestures! 7 Generation Thinking Feeling Actions/Gestures
2021 Tree of Mind WHAT are we capable of doing with our Minds? Inspired by an old book I found at the library… An old travel book of India, showing this beautiful artwork at a train station in India… It has become more for me: The Mind, The Neural System - how everything is connected! HOW NATURE is CONNECTED, sacredly, intimately, bonded and connected!
2015 Bomb Boy I had no idea what I was forming when I made this sculpture. My brain wave was in alpha. When I finally returned to beta brain wave, I was confused by what I had formed. There was no message of love or divinity before me, and it reminded me of Phan Thi Phúc (the girl burned by napalm who ran down the road in Vietnam in June1972…) I asked the source from whence it came to give me a name: „Bomb Boy“ was the answer. A few years later, I was telling someone about it. A week before, he had read up on the name of the first atomic bomb, Little Boy… How extremely sad and perverse, to name an abomination after a blessing! "War is an Economy!“ A quote from the movie War Dogs “Never waste a good enemy…” If you have the TelegramApp and you wish to see more insights on my research, please click on the painting to gain access.
Eureka S. Beutler
2018 Ode to Grand-Mother Earth An Ode to GrandMother Earth What would we be without her…? We have lost so MUCH touch with her, and ourselves… When independent scientists are funded by leaders, and NOT corporations, who genuinely want the best for humanity and our descendants, humanity and science may finally evolve…
1999 - 2000 Trauma During my last exhibition, I deliberately placed the sharp and painful sculpture beside the TREE OF MIND/LIFE.. The Mind is a sacred place. I believe it to be the most important asset that any HUman Being has! The Mind can be your Prison or your Paradise… In the ancient cosmic teachings of Thoth, it is believed to be the first and most crucialcosmic Principle: All is Mind. And yet, it is not considered to have a conscious value by most… it is mostly taken for granted! Our Mother taught us that we should consider our Mind to be a pristine, white carpet: You would not let anyone come in and (dumb/)dump waste all over it? And yet that is what we do! Trauma: The girl trusts her „uncle...“ Trauma is not always visible from the outside. This is how I feel it looks like from the inside. I grew up with many people who had some or other kind of trauma… it was not always visible. The emotional damage and dumbing of Mind through trauma is seldom considered or reflected upon… it can also be used as a weapon…! (and has been for centuries!) One of the most phenomenal Minds I explored who was able to bring across the potent meaning of trauma, to be able to understand it or heal trauma, is Dr Bessel Van Der Kolk. If you have the TelegramApp and you wish to see more insights on my research, please click on the painting to gain access.
2000 Think of Shame The girl trusts her „uncle...“ He is as old as her Mother… Her Father is in a condition of rage and depression, fighting off the ghosts from his childhood. He is incapable of being there for his daughter! The girl is 13. She needs a gentle ear, a masculine figure, who will gladly listen to her, make her smile, even laugh… but she does not know, that his „warmth“ is sick, and basically just „bait“! He lives in in his own sad, selfish, fantasy filled, lonely cocoon… Perhaps, he himself is still only 14? He sees her as a woman… His ego refuses to ackowledge her young age, let alone, respect or her Sacred Trust she blindly places in him… After the abuse of Faith and temple, she believes it to be her fault… How many young girls or boys, go through this? What support system do they have? WHY is it so extremely difficult for them to seek help? WHY aren’t we educating Children about this?
If you have the TelegramApp and you wish to see more insights on my research, please click on the painting to gain access.
If you have the TelegramApp and you wish to see more insights on my research, please click on the painting to gain access.
If you have the TelegramApp and you wish to see more insights on my research, please click on the painting to gain access.
Your Grand-Mother Your Mother You
This icon will lead you to my studies & art of my Flowers