Eureka S. Art
Intuition, Insight, Research & Inspiration:
The Red Scarf
The Red Scarf was inspired by many books, but greatly enriched
by the book UNTOUCHED by Mariana Caplan.
The question is - what are we becoming?
Where is our society leading us to?
And WHERE is politics and science leading us?
Maria was a woman of Flesh & Blood, is an ode to what we have as potential -
what lies truly in our souls… when raised by loving parents (!) Family!
I do not believe that the average human being is created to be violent or anti-social.
I believe that our society/matrix forms the "monster"/ „soldier“ / „slave“.
Our whole economic and political systems deliberately do not aim for unity amongst all humans.
Confuse. Divide. Control.
Observing so many conflicts over the past 30 years, something has come to my attention -
Our planet needs to recognise, appreciate, value, respect and preserve Culture.
Culture is also bacteria and it is what keeps nature in balance - for instance:
a recent study at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, discovered that bacteria can help
trees survive water scarcity - trees form a symbiotic relationship with soil-beneficial bacteria,
which assists them in not only surviving, but also flourishing, during periods of drought.
Graham Hancock also speaks of the incredible soil in the Amazon forests and that there were
huge populated cities in the Amazon, which were flourished due to their culture and connection
to the Earth…
And then there is Dr Steven Gundry who swears by gut bacteria being the basis of health and
the fountain of youth… (BY doing your OWN research, you get to explore and evolve more…)
And there are of course countless studies of how the gut health affects mind health…
Up to now, this is not officially or consciously connected to farming, and that ultimately,
HOW WE GROW OUR FOOD, affects our overall physical and mental health!
War keeps selected economies thriving…and continues to destroy delicate cultures…
We belong to the land and the Land belongs to the Earth.
Why drive humans away from their homes, their roots, their identities and cultures,
to force them into foreign cultures?
This is not benefiting our Earth or human development…
„Earth has enough for every man‘s need, but not every man‘s greed.“
When we read a book like Jean Liedloff's CONTINUUM CONCEPT, we can see the difference
between typical Western society, and the way God meant for us to live in harmony.
I have observed and experienced several kinds of abuse such as substance abuse, sexism,
„racism“ (what a nasty Confuse-Divide-Control formula conspired by the ruling parties …)
family violence, etc., and after recalling and deep reflection these various situations,
I think and feel, that the problem stems from one major source -
the lack of The System & Society to respect the original human culture, the individual and its
desperate need for a strong loving, bonding family system.
In ancient Afrika, this C U L T U R E system, we called uBuntu.
uBuntu means, „I am. because you are.“
The problems will get worse, if we do not stop and listen to our needs for uBuntu love.
The strong need for genuine love, most people try and substitute with materialism, alcoholism
and abuse towards others.
We need a society, which consciously values life, realizes its greatness, and actually tries to do
something as a joint venture, to obtain spiritual sustainability!
Starting with "love schools"- there are many, many Souls who need to realize that love is the
only answer . . so many humans do not love themselves, and are thus unable to appreciate the
value of their essence! … unable to see their Soul‘s purpose.
The Red Scar(f) is symbolic of the warning colour red
. . . but the word SCAR if also so beautifully hidden in it…
Scar means wound to me...
It is so important to teach our Children to turn their wounds into wisdom.
All is an Illusion, and we are disillusioned in our way of Life, yet, only fractions away of realising
what lies behind the Veil…
It is obvious that we are moving into challenging times now - the less we love ourselves,
the more loveless our society will become.
It is time for a genuine Sustainable Family Culture!
7 Generations thinking, feeling, living… Loving!
It is time for uBuntu to become more Conscious!
Remember: uBuntu means, I am because you are.
No human being can be a human being, without other human beings.
The Red Scarf is my exploration on these theories and the
phenomenal discoveries of just HOW miraculous our Minds, Hearts
and Bodies are! This is a call for holistic Living & Loving!
1998 - 2017 Maria was a Woman of Flesh & Blood
I was raised in an uBuntu and a Christian community.
I believed in this amazing individual called Jesus, but I have never
been a dedicated church visitor! I never felt genuinely comfortable
in churches, because I felt something was „off“…
The vision for this painting appeared in my heart…
It was inspired by the book THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED,
by M.Scott Peck. This book changed my Life!
I first started painting this in Australia & later, whilst developing
my personal understanding of Life and there with, deepening my
perception abilities, my skill as an artist grew.
Maria was a Woman of Flesh & Blood
- The mother of God was HUman!!
It means to me that we all have the potential to grow into GREAT
beings in this lifetime!
It means to me that we all have great potential, that we ALL have
what it takes to advance on the path to Love and Universal
understanding. …but think a little further.. think of what you,
as a woman, can give the child you are bearing in your body!
I am convinced, that the manner in HOW you LOVE your parents,
your Family-Love-Culture, becomes the Culture in which you are
connected to Source/God. If it is a gentle, loving, kind, spiritually
sustainable CONSCIOUS culture, you will have an amazing
connection to the D I V I N E & Life:
You will remain searching for something to „fill you“…
German language has a word for addcition:
Sucht. It can also mean „suche“ - search.
I always wondered why I chose to paint the Fleur de Lille in the
background behind Maria, and in 2023, I discovered the work of
Sir Laurence Gardner… His books on the Holy Grail are
It is truly remarkable what lies within our morphic field…
1999 - 2017 Mother‘s Body
Spiritual Sustainability = 7 generations thinking:
The Ancient Principle of Cause and Effect:
"We are born of Love;
Love is our Mother."
Jalal-Din Muhammed Rumi, 1207 - 1273
Painting this I thought of how wonderfully M. Caplan described
the woman's body, how it needs to be stroked and loved so that it
& its spirit can flourish!
The Red Scarf is in all the paintings:
The Red Scarf if a metaphor for our scars…
The scarf is sometimes used to hide our feelings, our vulnerabilities,
our instincts, our passions, our TRUE NATURE and our Souls,
which automatically die when we disregard the wisdom of the
human body!
1999 What is a Man?
The pose is challenging, and yet, the body is actually very vulnerable.
Before I left South Africa in 1997, a woman or a child was raped
EVERY 28 seconds!!
The respect for women worldwide, desperately needs to be
And the Consciousness for reassesing what the meaning is for
genuine, sacred masculinity!
You can judge a „civilisation“, by how it treats its Women, Children
& Nature/ Environment.
What is YOUR perception of "manliness"?
As a Mother of a son, I have asked myself for decades now, is it the
„Mother‘s Role“, which needs more consciousness, and support,
to set free Men of Virtue into the world…?
I have come to the conclusion, that a chauvinist is an extremely
lonely creature! I would hate for our son to be lonely…
I have been seeking for the legend of the Sacred Masculine for
a while now.
We are bound by Mother Nature herself, to be together…
Men and Women need each other!
Despite the ambitious plans some scientists have to have
men bear children from their bodies…
There seems to be a sad world ahead, if we don‘t realize that each
of us needs to fulfill a sacred space and role in each others lives.
Nature planned it that the line of a male which abuses/traumatises
its young, (because the DNA gets damaged,) eventually dies off.
In all our technology and advancements, why is this not taught in
1999 - 2017 Heart sees The Ripening
Heart sees The Ripening… is an Ode to the evolvement of
When BOTH Minds & Bodies, reach a ripeness for a healthy,
sustainable Relationship…
The importance of Self-Love…
7 Generation Living & Loving
I found this beautiful Soul by the name of Ramona Barb.
I share this jewel of hers with permission:
„Have you ever thought about what the word "masculine" holds
energetically in our collective unconscious?
Healing for a man is difficult to be part of opening up to owning the feminine
energy that has been taken from him for centuries if not thousands of years.
And to achieve this, it takes unconditional support and love, courage, freedom
of the Mind and Soul.
Our Souls long for the so long forgotten principles of Love.
Untill we don't trully understand that Love is our Mission here, including setting
Higher Standards or Perspective for Honoring Partnerships, Friendships, and
relationships in general.
We want to break out of society's schemes, we want to reshape ourselves and
not recreate beyond our own survival instinct in which the conscious mind does
not induce but at the same time we must learn to discerne what is what society
is showing us, what is what society mirrors in our collective behaviours in
We long for the desire to feel what has for so long been forgotten.
For men to heal - we are in need of conscious women, of self-meeting women,
of self-mastering women, of women able to accept the masculine with love and
not use it as a shield to be strong or wealthy or to make a place in a society we
so want to break free of, at any cost.
To restructure a society, to re-educate ourselves we need to re-think and
re-evaluate what a Love based partenship is.
What is equalism.
What is friendship.
Because we are not in competition anymore.
We are all winners once we become most conscious, the most loving, the most
integrated at the dawn of a new reality.
We all have masculine energy and we all have feminine energy, more or less.
We are all multidimensional beings and it is necessary to integrate both sides
of ourselves, to live, to embody both in our diversity.
A man who heals the feminine welcomes the possibility to love, to expand,
to feel and measure JOY without any schemes and facades.
A woman who heals masculinity frees herself from the weight of feeling
crushed, oppressed, of feeling that she must assert herself at all costs to be
seen, heard and appreciated.
It takes courage to create a New World, and it takes conscious people,
men and women who have healed and embraced all parts of themselves.
It takes TWO.
Two - a Multiple of ONE.
If I offer You what I want to recieve, I heal Me.
Love IS Quantum Resonance.
Love feels God.
Love feels Good…“
Ramona Barb
2000 - 2017 All Women are made the same way…
They are, aren't they?
When I painted this in 2000, I had no (conscious) idea that we
would be approaching times, where defining a woman, would not
be based on scientific genetics…
I wanted to unify Women, to remind them that we are all HUman -
Sisters, Mothers, Daughters, Aunts, Nieces -
all made the same way by Mother Nature.
How could I have possibly thought that politics could/would be so
I have shared many thoughts on these debates in my library of
this painting in Telegram.
To see more of the Exhibition, please go to:
2006 uBuntu Angel
uBuntu means:
I am because you are.
An authnethic and sustainable culture…
No politics necessary.
Inspired by the Egyptian goddess Ma'at.
Ma'at was an embodiment of the standards of order,
morality, and balance.
These were of utmost importance to the structure
and functioning of ANCIENT Egyptian society…
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& art of
The Red Scarf
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