All is an Illusion, and we are disillusioned in our way of Life, yet, only fractions away of realising what lies behind the Veil…It is obvious that we are moving into challenging times now - the less we love ourselves, the more loveless our society will become.Itistimefora genuine SustainableFamilyCulture!7Generationsthinking,feeling,living… Loving!It is time for uBuntu to become more Conscious!Remember: uBuntu means, I am because you are.No human being can be a human being, without other human beings.
2018 An Ode to the Grand-Mother Created in Germany | Acrylic on Canvas | Height: 128cm Breadth: 98cm | 7000 €
2000 Think of ShameCreated in South Africa & Germany | Acrylic on Canvas | Height: 90cm Breadth: 47cm | 2700 €
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