2021 Portrait Maggie Acrylic on canvas Work in progress…

My Life began in the constellation of an

African Village and my Childhood  was rich

& blessed with so many amazing Souls.

We call this uBuntu - I am because we are. It has given me an openness to admire and cherish different personalities and characters. My Village taught me to enjoy all kinds of people. Having been loved by so many different kinds of Souls, gave me a faith in people, I try and give on to my children. I started a path as a Fotokünstlerin  (Photographical Artist) when I moved to Karlsruhe, in Germany. My goal and aim was a successful portrait. It was an enriching adventure, that taught me many more things… (but that‘s a different story.) At the beginning of that experience, I tried to get a technically perfect photo, (as some of my photographer friends had taught me.) ..but, actually, I was looking for something else! I was seeking to do an intimate portrait, which meant that I had to approach the Souls in-front of my camera lens, in a completely different way. Something you would not find in a textbook. I didn‘t want the typical „stick-on-Smile“… I wanted to dig for the real person. That enriched my Life. It made the hours working, hours of experience, hours lived. What I most enjoy about portraits? 1. admiring Source‘s Creativity in making different shapes, forms & colours or beauty… 2. But, most of all, empoyering people in their own beauty..
Portrait studies done in the Linden Art Gallery, in Melbourne, Australia
1995 Figure Studies done at Witwatersrand Technikon
1997 Portrait of Baldur
1998 Portrait Eva Acrylic on canvas Private Collection, Mpumalanga South Africa
2004 I had started Atelier Ariel prior to the birth of our Daughter. It was a rich and beautiful era, meeting amazing Women & young Mothers, with the priviliged role of showing them their beauty!
1998 Portrait of Sara Nkalanga Acrylic on canvas Private Collection, Mpumalanga South Africa
1994 Portrait of David‘s foot… A man whose Soul pined away after his 3 year old daughter died.


2015 Portrait Maggie Acrylic on canvas Private Collection, Germany
2021 Portrait Chrisou Acrylic on canvas Work in progress…